
The work of Blind LGBT Pride International (BPI) is primarily done through the work of its standing committees, as overseen by the Board of Directors and ultimately the membership.


Committee chairs, appointed by the President, develop the committees by working with volunteers from among the membership base.  Each committee reports on their work at board meetings, through publication in the newsletter and weekly announcements and during the business meeting at the annual convention as requested by the President or Board of Directors.


Please review the list of standing committees below and be sure to contact the chair if you would like to collaborate in the work.  We are always looking for fresh ideas !


Budget and Finance Committee – Maria Kristic

Contact the Chairperson


This committee, chaired by the Treasurer, oversees the development of the budget; ensures accurate tracking/monitoring of funds; ensures financial controls; and recommends financial guidelines to the Board of Directors. 


Constitution, Bylaws and Resolutions Committee – Will Burley

Contact the Chairperson


This committee shall be responsible for the creation and maintenance of the governing documents of BPI by researching best practices of other non-profits; oversees the process of implementation; and is responsible for making clerical updates that do not change the meaning or intent of approved language.


Elections Committee – Dennis Sims 

Contact the Chairperson


The committee shall oversee the nominations and elections process as set forth in the Constitution and Bylaws and board policy.


Fundraising Committee – Don Brown

Contact the Chairperson


This committee shall oversee the development and implementation of BPI’s fundraising plan; identifies and solicits funds from external sources of support;  and ensures donors are acknowledged appropriately.


Membership Committee – Tamara Lomax

Contact the Chairperson


This committee shall oversee the development and/or revise the annual membership recruitment and retention plan; identify new member benefits and services that are needed based on member feedback as well as enhancements to existing benefits.


Programs Committee – Will Burley

Contact the Chairperson


This committee shall oversee BPI’s annual conference and convention as well as coordinate any social networking gatherings.


Public Policy and Advocacy Committee – Gabriel Lopez Kafati

Contact the Chairperson


This committee shall stay informed of relevant public policy matters; ensures the Board of Directors is informed of policy and legislation that affects the organization’s members; and recommends that the Board adopt board positions on relevant matters.


Public Relations Committee – Gabriel Lopez Kafati

Contact the Chairperson


This committee represents the organization to the community; enhances the organization’s image, including communication with the press.


Inside Out Newsletter – Kevin Ratliff

Contact the Editor


The Editor is responsible for the development of The Inside Out Newsletter.