
Minimalist Postcards Of Superheroes

Quis autem velum iure reprehe nderit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras sapien neque, bibendum in sagittis. Duis varius tellus egetmassa pulvinar eu aliquet nibh dapibus. Aenean eros erat, tincidunt vitae fringila nec, fermentum et quam. Class aptent tacit socio squ ad litora torquent peribia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Aenean eros erat, tincidunt vitae fringilla nec, fermentum et quam. Quis autem velum iure reprehe nderit. Lorem ipsum adipiscing elit. Cras sapien neque, bibendum in sagittis. Duis varius tellus eget massa pulvinar eu aliquet nibh dapibus. Aenean eros erat, tincidunt vitae fringila nec, fermentum et quam. Quis autem velum iure reprehe nderit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipscing elitneque, bibendum in sagittis. Duis varius tellus eget massa pulvinar. Praesent commodo curss magna, vel scelerisque nisl consectetur et. Nullam quis risus eget urna mollis ornare vel eueo. Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue.

Auis autem velum iure reprehe nderit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras sapien neque, bibendum in sagittis. Duis varius tellus egetmassa pulvinar eu aliquet nibh dapibus. Aenean eros erat, tincidunt vitae fringila nec, fermentum et quam. Class aptent tacit socio squ ad litora torquent peribia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Aenean eros erat, tincidunt vitae fringilla nec, fermentum et quam. Quis autem velum iure reprehe nderit. Lorem ipsum adipiscing elit. Cras sapien neque, bibendum in sagittis.

Dused pretium, ligula sollicitudin laoreet viverra, tortor libero sodales nunc tortor ucnibh. Nullam mollis. Ut justo.

Auis autem velum iure reprehe nderit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras sapien neque, bibendum in sagittis. Duis varius tellus egetmassa pulvinar eu aliquet nibh dapibus. Aenean eros erat, tincidunt vitae fringila nec, fermentum et quam. Class aptent tacit socio squ ad litora torquent peribia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Aenean eros erat, tincidunt vitae fringilla nec, fermentum et quam. Quis autem velum iure reprehe nderit. Lorem ipsum adipiscing elit. Cras sapien neque, bibendum in sagittis.

BPI Book Share

Autumn is in full swing, and a chill is in the air. It is the season for curling up on the couch with a good book. Let’s help one another create a list of great reads to keep us occupied over the winter months.

Join BPI for our first Book Sharing evening. Each participant will get
5 minutes to talk about one book they recently enjoyed and think other BPI members won’t be able to resist.

Nonfiction, fiction, autobiographies, memoirs. Anything goes. The only thing we ask is that the book selection you choose be available via Bard or Audible to make access as easy as possible for all members.

Please join us on November 8 at 4 PM PST, 7 PM EST for a Sunday evening of book sharing.

To join the discussion, phone our BPI conference line.

218 895-3779, password 2012#

Does My Sexual Identity Define Me?

By Kelly Warren


“Your sexual identity ‘defines’ you!” Numerous times, I’ve heard this statement pronounced proudly from the lips of well meaning advocates, allies, and members of the lgbt community at large. I disagree, at least in terms of the meaning of the statement as it stands, by itself. It oversimplifies a highly complex subject. It is far too generalized to contain any degree of significant, applicable meaning for the straight community, and it invites the lgbt community to place an unhealthy, inordinate amount of importance on their sexuality. On both an individual and societal scale, it is a deceptive notion that is actually counter productive to the progression of sexual freedom. At the risk of being too pedantic, I suggest that we strive to expand this statement to something like, “Your sexual identity/orientation represents a valuable, dynamic, and vital part of your unique, evolving personality!”


To say that one’s sexual identity alone defines them is similar to saying that one’s blindness or sight alone defines them. To claim that anyone’s physiological, mental, or emotional attributes, or even the combination thereof defines them is exclusive and incomplete, and therefore, ends up being a gross misrepresentation. If I desire to truly “get to know” you, my interests wont be concerned with your societal sexual tag(s) or your classification based upon psychological pseudoscience, but rather will be invested in exploring the wealth of intricate aspects, sexual and non-sexual, which, when combined, produce your “wholeness.” A rainbow is not a rainbow unless it has “all” the colors of the rainbow.



Both words “identity” and “define” in this commonly spoken statement create concepts that can inhibit personal growth. Identity is not an object or a condition, but rather a “process.” It’s easier to think of it as a condition because then we can remain safe inside the shell of our protected, easily identifiable state, categorized and filed away on the shelf of some sort of sexual identity museum. But we didn’t come out of the closet to be placed on the shelf. The “process” of identity is one that involves personal transformation, a continually changing state in which we are exposed to both the positive and negative impact of varying circumstances that produce an assortment of consequences. It requires management, fine tuning, and readjustment. That sexual identity is a continually evolving process on a collective scale is evidenced by the ever changing lgbt acronym, in which we first added the “q” for “questioning,” followed by letters that refer to straight allies. And, by the way, have you ever heard a straight person claim that their sexual

identity defines them?


Honestly, I almost feel demeaned when someone suggests that my sexual identity defines me. As if that which sexually arouses me somehow defines the whole of my personality. “Sexuality” is about “sex,” largely the act of sex itself, which is something that today is misunderstood, disrespected, feared, shunned, and shamed – even among some members of the lgbt community – due to centuries of horrific, fear mongering suppression by political and religious regimes. Saying that one’s sexual identity defines them is a glorified, vague generalization that clouds the minds of the general public by sweeping the ill conceived perception of the messiness of the sex act under the rug. Even in the land of the free, sexual freedom is still a starving child.


Finally, considering the word “define” here again, our error is in wanting our identity neatly packaged into a simple, precise, unchangeable “definition.” After all, behavioral science can succinctly define any behavior or pattern of behavioral tendencies, right? No, it cannot, especially since, in relation to lgbt people, its history has proceeded from being the submissive bed partner to the aforementioned political and religious entities that have championed terms like “immoral” and “reprobate” from which the psychological designations of “aberrant” and “dysfunctional” were coined to describe some of the sexual activities in which we engage, saving us from execution only by bleakly categorizing us as “mentally ill.” Science, through reductionism, is bent on defining. That’s not a criticism. That’s what it’s supposed to do. But in this modern age in which science is king, to say that science can adequately define sexuality is to squash individuality like a dirty cockroach.


To transpose this procedure and say that sexual identity, based upon a supposedly empirical understanding, somehow defines us, is an absurd insinuation. Gays, lesbians, and the straight community would do well to discuss the subject with their bisexual and transgender friends who often appreciate and understand, to a greater degree, the transitional nature of sexual identity and its complex, fluctuating contribution to the wholeness of one’s personality. And unfortunately, because I’m trying to limit the length of this essay, I can’t even begin to share anything about our precious friends who might be pansexual or asexual, who presently aren’t included in the alphabet soup of our modern acronym. I currently claim the “g” but have also dabbled with the “b” of our acronym, because my own sexuality is fraught with a wide variety of likes and dislikes, specific fetishes, thoughts, feelings, and desires that often intensify, level off, and fade in response to pulsations of sensual fulfillment and deprivation. So, go ahead, put me into a box and define my sexual identity, or explain to me how it defines me. Write the story of my sexuality, and pretend as though you’ve come to fully understand it. I hope you have pounds of coffee, undying patience, infinite wisdom, and a computer with an immeasurable memory.

Seeking Participants for a new documentary

Emmy Award winning producer, Patricia Zagarella, seeks participants for a new documentary that focuses on the dating and romantic life of the blind and visually impaired. As dating moves to the online world, where physical attraction is the first connection, we want to explore how love connections are formed when physical attraction is not the first point of reference. We think that sighted people can learn a lot from the dating and romantic experiences of the visually impaired. This will be a heartwarming film and journey. By sharing your experiences we hope to shed light on this universal subject and on a population so often ignored.


We are seeking blind or visually impaired, men and women between the ages of 20 and 45, who are willing to be on camera and share their experiences candidly. We are looking for a cross section of individuals, including:




1) Singles, men and women, who are actively dating and looking for a long-term relationship


2) Best friends who are single and dating


3) Singles bouncing back from a breakup


4) People that are newly coupled


5) Couples in a long term relationship


6) Couples who are going to get married


7) Married couple with no children


8) Married couple with child or children




If your interested or would like more information, please email your information to:

Happy Anniversary BPI: Fifteen Years at the Forefront

Since its inception, Blind LGBT Pride International, or Blind Friends of lesbians and Gays, as this organization was originally named, has been at the forefront in setting an example for inclusion and equality! Like any group, the growth of this affiliate is marked by fantastic successes as well as growing pains. The main focus of BPI has never shifted, however. We strive to support and embrace every aspect of what it means to be individuals who happen to be blind or vision impaired as well as lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender.


In 1996, a group of members within the American Council of the Blind believed a voice was missing in the organized blind movement – that of individuals who were lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender. This small group held the first of four annual informal meetings to begin discussion of the needs of the vision impaired glbtq population; these gatherings also began to ponder what it would mean to build a path forward to getting their voices heard by the broader community. During the ACB convention in Los Angeles in 1999, a decision was made to apply for formal status as a special interest affiliate.


On February 20, 2000, the ACB Board of Directors approved the request for affiliation of the members of Blind Friends of Lesbians and Gays, or BFLAG. The affiliation certificate was presented during the first general session of the ACB convention that year in Louisville, Kentucky. . Rob Hill became the first president of the new organization.


BFLAG continued its growth in Houston, Texas in 2002, and Connie David was elected as president. Many of the local Houston LGBT volunteers became members, and the week was very successful.


The next year saw a great deal of hard work pay off for the members as BFLAG earned its 501c(3) status, and a new logo was created. These two events made it much easier to promote the work and objectives of BFLAG, and this lent the organization strength in pursuing donations. Our organization also received the Growth Award by ACB for having the highest percentage of new members for 2003.


2008 saw even more growth as BFLAG reported its 200th member as well as the formation of four affiliates – BFLAG Washington, D.C., BFLAG Texas, BFLAG Tulsa and BFLAG Mid Atlantic.


2009 saw more growth for BFLAG, as our name was changed to Blind LGBT Pride International or BPI. This was also the year that board meetings became open to the public, providing more transparency to members, allowing them to have firsthand knowledge of how organizational business was conducted.


As we enter into our 15th year of existence as a special-interest affiliate, we can be proud of the work that has been done to further the advancement and inclusion of people who are blind or visually impaired and lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender. We must also continue to ask ourselves, what we can do to further our goals and reach more individuals with our powerful message.


As members of BPI, we are part of the only organization in the world dedicated to the issues experienced by those that are LGBTQ and blind and vision impaired. We can continue to be the leading special interest affiliate as LGBT baby boomers begin to age into vision loss.


According to a study released by the American Foundation for the Blind in 2008, by 2030, rates of vision loss will have doubled along with the country’s aging population. Blind and Vision Impaired individuals who are LGBT face a number of particular concerns as they age. Several studies document they are less likely than their straight sighted counterparts to access adequate health care, affordable housing or other social services that they may need; this due to attitudinal barriers, institutionalized discrimination, and a lack of access to safety net programs. As an active member and advocate dedicated to social justice and equality, you will have the opportunity to collaborate in a joint effort that works to reverse this pervasive trend.


You belong to a unique organization that strives to make a difference. I invite you to more fully support our continual efforts to eliminate societal barriers while increasing opportunities for those members of the LGBT community who happen to be blind or vision impaired. I look forward to working with you as we head into the next 15 years at the forefront…


BPI 2015 Elections

Letters of Interest are not limited in length but must include the following: name; city and state; phone number; email address; name of board position sought and a brief statement as to your interest in serving on the BPI Board of Directors.

The Elections Committee will hold a Candidates Forum, date and time to be announced. This will give members an opportunity to get to know the candidates and ask questions. Voting will take place in July, during BPI’s conference and convention in Dallas.

Email your Letter of Interest and please write, “BPI Candidate” in the subject line. Email to:

If you have any questions or would like additional information about BPI’s election process, please contact Don Brown at: (510) 484-8282 or Harlow Pease at: